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'Isle of the Dead' by Arnold Böcklin

Michael Baigent (1948-2013) was a researcher and writer best known for his book 'The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail', coauthored with Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln.

He was the editor of Freemasonry Today from 2001 to 2011 and the author/coauthor of 14 books, including The Jesus Papers, The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, and The Messianic Legacy.

Highly inquisitive, he sought the answers to the questions many would be too afraid to ask.

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"Keep asking questions. Keep seeking answers. Fear no one."


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The writer, Michael Baigent, was one of the greatest writers and authorities of our time on all matters esoteric, religious, theological and historical. Indeed, his earlier books have educated and influenced a great many people - including, or so it would seem apparent to me at least (if not the High Court judge who dismissed the notion) the novelist Dan Brown.

Baigent, who was also formerly the editor of Freemasonry Today magazine, and who it might be added, knew a dammed sight more about Freemasonry than the majority of members of that (now largely) 'Flat Earth Society', was a major influence on me personally, going back to his superbly researched Holy Blood and Holy Grail. His recent untimely passing at a young age, has left a large gap in the literary profession.

That aside, [his] books [are] essential reading for anyone on the verge of, or to some degree, on the journey to enlightenment. Whilst I do not find myself in absolute agreement with all that Baigent writes, overall, [his] books [are] truly enlightening. Despite my own research and knowledge of the agenda(s) I found a plethora of new information which was previously unknown to me. Better still, Baigent does not seek to favour any one religion over others. Basically, he is giving all decent and ordinary people of their chosen religion, the opportunity to understand what is being perpetrated behind the scenes in all of the mainstream religions.

Greg Francis


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